[BETA] Update Toppie Campaign
Update an agency campaign with the provided details.
Path Parameters
The ID of the campaign.
Agency campaign fields to be updated
Total budget for this campaign, to be distributed across marketplaces
0 < x < 20000000000
Date when to stop the campaign, specified in RFC 3339, if not set the campaign will never stop. This date must be greater than the start date and must be in the future. Must include the Timezone definition.
Flag to indicate if the campaign is active or not
Campaign name, this will be propagated to campaigns in marketplaces
Date when to start the campaign, specified in RFC 3339, if not set that campaign will start immediately after the campaign creation. Must include the Timezone definition.
Target ROAS for the campaign
Targets to be included or removed from the campaign
Account that owns this campaign
Agency that owns this campaign
Total budget for this campaign
The periodicity of the budget
, weekly
, monthly
, total
Date and time when the campaign was created
Currency code this campaign is working with in ISO 4217 format
Internal identifier for the agency campaign
Flag to indicate if the campaign is active or not
Campaign name
Target ROAS for the campaign
0.5 <= x <= 20
Type of campaign, can be either 'brand' or 'product'
, product
Date when to stop the campaign, specified in RFC 3339, if not set the campaign will never stop. This date must be greater than the start date and must be in the future. Must include the Timezone definition.